Some of My Stuffs….

around my room

Di postingan sebelumnya, di tanyain sama si Om Teguh Puja yang minta penampakan asli kosan saya. Tapi karena sepertinya kamar saya belum terlalu layak untuk di publish, maka untuk permulaan saya publish dulu beberapa “penghuni” kamar saya. Kebetulan kemarin jiwa fotografer saya lagi muncul, jadi setelah sedikit sentuhan ย inilah beberapa penghuni kamar saya hehehehe… ๐Ÿ˜€

Di gambar yang sebelah urutan searah jarum jam adalah:

1. My coffee. Yes, that’s my favorite coffee. Actually, that’s not hot coffee but cold coffee (maybe you know the brand name hehe). I ussually drink it almost every morning and/ evening. Yeah, I am a coffee addict ๐Ÿ˜›

2. My star ornaments. I put it on my bedroom wall and it will glow in the darkness.ย I bought it when I came to POPCON ASIA in Jakarta. It was really cheap, 3 packs only Rp 10.000,- . ย I gave one pack to my cousin and I still keep another one.

3. My board. ย You can see, that are some pictures on it. On the TOP is my picture with my parent and another are my picture with my boyfriend and my friends.

4. My earphone. I love to listening music and when I listening at the night, I usually use that coz I don’t want to disturb my friends ๐Ÿ™‚

Some of my stuffs

And the last picture is some of my stuffs on my table. It’s beside my bed. Maybe you will think that my table so disorganized. and I can understand that. Yeaaahh…but maybe that’s the art of my room hahhaha ๐Ÿ˜›

Jadi, begitulah sebagian isi istana saya yang sempit. So, tell me what do you think about me and my room????


*Sssstt…saya bukannya lagi nge-sok tapi saya lagi belajar bahasa bule neh, jadi jangan di ketawain ya kalau grammarnya masih acak adut* ๐Ÿ™‚

Allaely Hardhiani

Saya hanyalah seorang ibu rumah tangga biasa. Istri seorang ilustrator sekaligus ibu dari 3 orang anak luar biasa. Penyuka kopi yang suka membaca, kulineran, dan jalan-jalan. Blog ini merupakan catatan saya tentang berbagai hal. Semoga bisa bermanfaat dan selamat membaca!

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